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by devmegablaster
Editor's pick
Create and share secure forms via SSH effortlessly.

BashForm enables seamless creation and sharing of forms over SSH. No additional software is needed; just use your existing SSH keys for a secure experience. Craft customizable forms and share them globally, ensuring easy access and participation with unique codes.


BashForm: Create and Share SSH-Enabled Forms Effortlessly

BashForm provides a seamless way to create and share forms via SSH, allowing users to participate without needing to install extra software.

Key Features

  • Terminal-Based Forms: Directly create and interact with forms from the terminal, simplifying workflow.
  • Secure SSH Authorization: Users authenticate with SSH keys instead of passwords, enhancing security.
  • No Installation Needed: Access and respond to forms effortlessly using SSH, skipping client software installation.
  • Global Form Sharing: Share and receive form feedback worldwide using unique form codes.
  • Customizable Content: Design personalized forms with any number of questions to suit specific requirements.

How It Works

BashForm harnesses SSH to deliver a straightforward and secure interaction platform.

  • Form Creation: Define forms with specified questions and distribute using a unique code.
  • Form Interaction: Respond to forms securely via SSH while eliminating password hassles.
  • Data Collection: Easily collect and view form response data for analysis.

Example Commands

  • Fill Out a Form:

    ssh -t bashform.me form <code>

    Replace <code> with the form's unique identifier.

  • Create a New Form:

    ssh -t bashform.me create <num_of_questions> <code>

    Specify the number of questions and a unique code for easy sharing.

  • Retrieve Forms and Responses:

    ssh -t bashform.me forms

    Get a comprehensive list of forms and their corresponding responses.

Usage Notes

  • SSH Key Requirement: It's essential to have an SSH key set up. Generate one if needed with the command:
    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "<your_email>"


Developers are encouraged to enhance BashForm. To contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a feature branch: git checkout -b feature-branch.
  3. Implement changes and commit: git commit -m 'Add new feature'.
  4. Push changes: git push origin feature-branch.
  5. Send a pull request for review.

BashForm empowers you to manage form-based data collection securely through SSH, making it ideal for tech-savvy users who prefer terminal-based solutions.


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