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Embrace the digits of today with emoji support in Python.

Unlock the power of emoji digits in Python with our package that seamlessly converts emoji representations into integers. No more surprises; just straightforward conversions, even allowing for visual separators with underscores. While it's feature-rich for now, we aim for integration into the Python standard library, making coding with emojis an effortless experience.


Emojit is a unique Python package designed to solve a long-standing issue related to emoji representation in numerical formats. Specifically, it provides seamless support for emoji digits, enabling developers to utilize emojis as digits in their Python applications. This enables you to convert emoji digits into integers effortlessly, enhancing your coding experience and making your applications more engaging for users.

Usage Example

The following example illustrates how you can easily convert a string of emoji digits into an integer:

from emojit import emj

emoji_str = emj("4️⃣0️⃣2️⃣")

assert isinstance(emoji_str, str) is True
assert int(emoji_str) == 402

Note: While this feature is intriguing, it is recommended to use it judiciously in production applications.

Advanced Features

Emojit also supports the use of underscores as visual separators, making large numbers easier to read:

from emojit import emj

assert int(emj("4️⃣0️⃣2️⃣_0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣")) == 402_000

In addition, you can use shorthand emojis for numbers, which are automatically converted to their digit equivalents:

from emojit import emj

assert int(emj("🔟")) == int(emj("1️⃣0️⃣"))
assert int(emj("💯")) == int(emj("1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣"))
assert int(emj("🔢")) == int(emj("1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣4️⃣"))


Emojit is a complete and innovative package that enhances how numerical data can be presented in Python applications using emojis. While it is currently feature complete, there are plans for its functionalities to be integrated into the Python standard library, which may lead to its eventual archiving. Explore its fun and practical capabilities today!