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Your AI-driven path to remote work in Machine Learning.

Job-Scout is a powerful Python tool that helps you find remote jobs in Machine Learning and Data Science. By analyzing your PDF resume, it matches you with the most relevant job listings from sources like Hacker News and Twitter. Customize your search for internships or specific roles, and let Job-Scout streamline your job hunt.


Job-Scout is an innovative, open-source tool designed to simplifies your job hunting experience. Developed with Python, it seamlessly aggregates remote job postings in Machine Learning and Data Science from prominent platforms like Hacker News and Twitter (X). With its unique resume matching feature, Job-Scout analyzes your PDF resume and ranks job listings according to their relevance to your skills and experiences, ensuring you find positions that fit you best.

🌟 Key Features

  • Multi-Source Job Aggregation: Effortlessly pulls remote job listings from diverse platforms such as Twitter and Hacker News.
  • Machine Learning Focus: Specifically optimized for job seekers in Machine Learning, Data Science, and AI roles.
  • Smart Resume Matching: Analyzes your resume to rank opportunities based on skill relevance.
  • Targeted Remote Searches: Filters for remote job opportunities, tailored to your preferences.
  • Customizable Search Queries: Easily update search parameters to filter for internships or specific job roles.

🔧 Technology Stack

  • Python for scripting
  • Tweepy for accessing the Twitter API
  • sklearn for TF-IDF vectorization and cosine similarity calculations
  • PyMuPDF for extracting text from PDF resumes

⚙️ How It Works

  1. Provide Your Resume: Simply place your PDF resume in the project directory.
  2. Execute the Script: Run the main script to fetch and evaluate job listings.
  3. Receive Tailored Recommendations: Instantly see the top-ranked job opportunities that align with your qualifications.

Customization Options

You can easily tailor the search mechanism to meet your career needs. Update the SEARCH_QUERY in the configuration file to target specific job offerings or internships.

Example Queries:

  • For Machine Learning Internships:
    SEARCH_QUERY = """
    ("Machine Learning Intern" OR "ML Intern")
    (#internship OR #remote OR "work from home")
  • For General Data Science Roles:
    SEARCH_QUERY = """
    ("Data Scientist" OR "Data Analyst")
    (#job OR #remote)

📊 Sample Output

Upon running the script, you can expect results like these:

Top Machine Learning Remote Job Recommendations:

Job Title: Machine Learning Engineer at XYZ Corp
Job URL: https://example.com/job/1234
Similarity Score: 0.92

Job Title: Data Scientist - Remote
Job URL: https://example.com/job/5678
Similarity Score: 0.89

🤝 Join the Community

Contributions are encouraged! With your help, Job-Scout can expand to aggregate jobs from even more platforms. Whether you're a developer with a passion for coding or simply someone eager to enhance job-hunting tools, your input is invaluable.

For inquiries, questions, or feedback, feel free to reach out at srbhat1004@gmail.com.

**Happy Job Hunting!