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Leak Searcher Bot
by onurcangnc
Effortlessly manage and search leaked data through Telegram.

Leak Searcher Bot is an efficient tool for interacting with Elasticsearch, designed to help users search, retrieve, and manage leaked data through a secure Telegram interface. With advanced features like authorization and support for multiple indices, it simplifies data management and enhances accessibility.


Leak Searcher Bot

Leak Searcher is an innovative Telegram bot developed to interact seamlessly with Elasticsearch, enabling efficient search, retrieval, and management of leaked data. This tool empowers users to conduct comprehensive searches within large datasets while maintaining data security and usability.

Key Features:

  • Authorization Control: The bot ensures that only authorized users can access its functionalities, enhancing data security.
  • Multi-Index Search: Easily perform searches across multiple Elasticsearch indices using the * wildcard for comprehensive leak data discovery.
  • Scroll API Implementation: Utilizes Elasticsearch's Scroll API to handle and retrieve large datasets effectively, ensuring smooth user experience even with extensive data.
  • Export Results: Matched search results can be saved to a .txt file and sent directly via Telegram, streamlining data sharing and analysis.
  • Intuitive Command Guidance: The bot provides an in-built command help feature, listing all available commands for user convenience.

Available Commands:

  • /start: Initializes the bot and welcomes users.
  • /authorize: Grants authorization to users for accessing the bot.
  • /listleaks: Allows users to view all available Elasticsearch indices (authorization required).
  • /search: Executes a keyword search across indices, retrieving relevant results (authorization required).
  • /help: Displays all commands along with their descriptions for ease of use.

Project Structure:

├── bot.py               # Main script for Telegram bot
├── elastic_manager.py   # Script for managing Elasticsearch operations
├── requirements.txt     # Python dependencies
├── README.md            # Project documentation

Usage Guide:

Searching for Data:

  1. Authorize using /authorize.
  2. Execute a search by using /search followed by your keyword.
  3. Receive the bot's response, which can be formatted as messages or a downloadable .txt file if results are extensive.

Listing Indices:

  1. Use /listleaks to view all available Elasticsearch indices.

Known Issues:

  • The bot may be unresponsive if Elasticsearch is not operational or incorrectly configured.
  • Ensure that the Elasticsearch indices contain data prior to initiating search queries.

Contribution Guidelines:

Contributions to the Leak Searcher are welcomed. Interested developers can fork the repository and submit pull requests for enhancements or bug fixes.


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