The Mkdocs Gherkin Results Plugin enhances your documentation by parsing Cucumber test reports and injecting results into Mkdocs pages. With visual indicators for pass and fail statuses, along with optional screenshot attachments, this tool helps maintain up-to-date documentation that reflects your test scenarios written in Gherkin format.
The Mkdocs Gherkin Results Plugin is an innovative tool designed to enhance your Mkdocs documentation by seamlessly integrating the results of Cucumber test reports. This powerful plugin allows you to maintain dynamic, up-to-date documentation directly reflecting the outcomes of your Cucumber scenarios written in Gherkin format.
Key Features
Test Case Status Indicators: Automatically adds a checkmark next to passed test cases and a cross next to those that have failed, providing instant visual feedback on your documentation.
Screenshot Attachments: Easily display screenshots from test runs, giving context to test results.
Usage Example
To see the plugin in action, refer to the configuration example located in tests/test_docs
. This example showcases the integration of both cucumber-js
and Mkdocs within the same working directory.
To implement the example, follow these steps:
- Run the Cucumber Tests:
cd tests/test-docs npm install npm run test
- Generate Mkdocs Documentation:
- Create and activate your Python virtual environment using your preferred method.
- Launch the documentation generator:
python tests/test-docs/
Configuration Options
Integrate the plugin into your Mkdocs setup by adding the following to your mkdocs.yaml
- gherkin-plugin
Configuration Settings
- show_attachments: A boolean that determines whether file attachments are visible in the output. The default is
. - messages_path: Specify the location to load the Cucumber messages in NDJSON format, with the default set to
Example Configuration:
show_attachments: True
messages_path: "gherkin_messages.ndjson"
Additional Dependencies
If you plan to utilize screenshot attachments, ensure to add the following Markdown extensions:
- admonition
- pymdownx.details
- pymdownx.superfences
Future Improvements
- Address pending steps that are not displayed.
- Create a short instructional video to demonstrate the plugin's functionality.
- Gherkin Markdown Documentation
- Cucumber Messages
- Living Documentation Podcast
- Mkdocs Plugin Development Guide
Utilize the Mkdocs Gherkin Results Plugin to elevate your project documentation and create an interactive guide that evolves along with your software testing!
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