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by mjovanc
High-performance scientific computation library in Rust

Numru is a cutting-edge scientific computation library designed for high performance and flexibility, tailored for numerical operations in Rust. Drawing inspiration from a well-known library, it aims to be the foundational tool for scientific computing, enabling users to easily integrate complex numerical computations into their projects.


Numru is a high-performance scientific computation library developed in Rust, designed to provide an efficient, user-friendly, and flexible API for numerical operations. Drawing inspiration from the widely-used NumPy library in Python, Numru aims to establish itself as a foundational tool for scientific computing within the Rust ecosystem.

Key Features

  • Performance: Built for speed, Numru leverages Rust’s capabilities to ensure high-performance computational tasks.
  • Flexible API: The library's API is designed to be intuitive and accessible, making it suitable for a wide range of applications in scientific computing.
  • Supported Data Types: Currently supports i64 and f64, with plans to expand to additional types such as i8, i16, i32, u8, u16, f32, among others.

Example Usage

Numru allows for easy initialization and manipulation of arrays. Here’s a simple example demonstrating how to create and visualize arrays:

fn main() {
    let a = arr![42, -17, 256, 3, 99, -8];
    println!("a.shape() = {:?}", a.shape());

    let b = arr![[TAU, -PI, 1.61], [E, 0.98, -7.42], [4.67, -0.45, 8.88]];
    println!("\nb.shape() = {:?}", b.shape());

    let c = arr![
        [[101, 202, 303], [404, 505, 606]],
        [[-707, -808, -909], [111, 222, 333]]
    println!("\nc.shape() = {:?}", c.shape());

Planned Capabilities

Numru is actively evolving, with a variety of numerical operations and data types planned for future releases. Some operations that will be supported include:

  • Array creation, such as zeros and ones arrays.
  • Numerical functions like mean, min, max, and more complex operations including matrix manipulations.

Overall, Numru is positioned to become a vital resource in scientific computation, combining performance advantages with the safety of the Rust programming language.


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