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Uncover hidden tasks and tackle technical debt effortlessly.

Todoctor is your essential CLI tool for uncovering and managing TODO and FIXME comments in JavaScript and TypeScript projects. By tracking these often-overlooked notes, Todoctor helps you visualize the evolution of technical debt in your codebase, ensuring no important tasks sit unattended. Take control of your code's future today!


Todoctor is a powerful command-line interface (CLI) tool designed to help developers analyze and track TODO comments in JavaScript and TypeScript Git repositories. This tool not only collects and monitors TODO and FIXME comments in your codebase but also provides a comprehensive analysis of technical debt over time, ensuring that these comments don't get lost in the vastness of your code.

Why Choose Todoctor?

As developers, we often leave TODO comments to identify areas in our code that require improvement or need refactoring. However, these valuable insights tend to linger in the codebase without being addressed, creating a hidden backlog of maintenance work. Todoctor addresses this issue by meticulously tracking these comments, making it easy to prioritize and manage refactoring tasks.

Key Features

  • Automated Extraction: Todoctor automatically extracts TODO, FIXME, and other relevant tags from your codebase, ensuring you never miss a comment.
  • Git Integration: The tool leverages Git to analyze each commit, keeping you updated on the history of comments throughout the project's evolution.
  • Author Tracking: Using git blame, you can track who made changes and when, giving you insights into the authorship of comments.
  • Visualizations: It generates a detailed graph illustrating the changes to TODO comments, allowing you to visualize the growth or reduction of technical debt over time.

Usage Example

To start using Todoctor in your project, simply run:

npx todoctor

This command collects and displays the history of TODO and FIXME comments across your commits.

Insightful Reporting

Todoctor not only provides a visual overview but also detailed statistics about your TODO comments:

  • Total number of TODO comments
  • Age of the oldest TODO comment
  • Average age of all TODOs
  • The author contributing the most TODO comments

Additionally, it presents a structured list of TODO comments, including the comment text, file paths, line numbers, and authorship information, streamlining the management of unresolved tasks.

Customizable Options

Todoctor offers flexible command-line options for tailored reporting:

  • --month: Specify how many months' worth of TODOs you want to track. Default is 3 months.
  • --ignore: Exclude certain files or directories from the analysis.
  • --include-keywords: Add any additional keywords you wish to track as technical debt.
  • --exclude-keywords: Remove specific keywords from your report.
  • --output-format: Choose between html, json, or csv for your report.
  • --output: Designate where the report file will be saved.

Explore the possibilities of managing technical debt with Todoctor today! Whether you're a solo developer or part of a larger team, this tool helps you keep track of essential tasks and improve your code's maintainability.