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Generate recursive and loopy zip files effortlessly.

The Zip Quine Generator allows you to create unique recursive and loopy zip files that challenge conventional file packaging. With its intuitive interface in Kotlin, you can produce zip files that contain themselves or establish infinite loops, making file management innovative and intriguing. Explore the depths of zip file capabilities.


Zip Quine Generator: Creating Recursive and Loopy Zip Files

Welcome to the Zip Quine Generator, an innovative tool that allows users to create unique recursive and loopy zip files. Designed by Ruben Van Mello as part of his master's thesis, this project delves into the fascinating world of endless zip file structures that can be unzipped infinitely.

Features of the Zip Quine Generator

  • Recursive Zip Generation: Create zip files that contain themselves, creating an endless loop of the same zip. You can also add extra files within the zip, with a file size limit of 32,763 bytes (header included).
  • Loopy Zip Generation: Generate complex zip file structures where each zip refers to the next in a sequence. Each of these zips can also contain up to one extra file, limited to 16,376 bytes (header included).

Usage Instructions

To get started, run the help command to see how to use the generator:

$ java -jar zip_quine_generator.jar --help

You can create a standard zip quine using:

$ java -jar zip_quine_generator.jar one.txt two.jpg -o quine.zip

This command produces a zip file named quine.zip, containing the specified files and itself.

To generate a loopy zip file:

$ java -jar zip_quine_generator.jar one.txt two.jpg --loop

This results in a structure where zips reference one another infinitely, showcasing a complex loop.

Note: Generating zip files may require significant computational effort due to the need for CRC-32 calculations in zip headers. Use the --no-crc option to speed up the process by bypassing CRC checks if your unzip tools permit it.

Background and Innovation

This project builds on foundational work by Russ Cox and Erling Ellingsen, addressing the challenge of creating recursive zip files, which were previously scarcely documented. The exploration of loopy zip files represents a novel contribution to the field, marking the first known successful implementation of such structures.

For a detailed exploration of the concepts and methodologies, refer to the original article.

Contribution Guidelines

We welcome contributions from the community! If you'd like to add features or improvements:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch: git checkout -b feature/YourFeature.
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add new feature'.
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin feature/YourFeature.
  5. Submit a Pull Request.

Join us in exploring the limitless possibilities of zip files and contribute to the expansion of this groundbreaking project!